With occasional reflection on the perpetual absurdity/intrigue of life and society in general.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bill Hicks - It's Just a Ride - Video

This is a documentary/live performance footage of Bill Hicks. Numerous individuals from the industry, the comedy circuit, and Bill's personal life offer interviews and insight intercut with various bits from Bill's stage act. I wish the video quality was better, but just for your viewing, comedic, and mental pleasure - Bill Hicks, It's Just a Ride.

It's Just a Ride (41 mins.)

I also encourage everyone to see American: The Bill Hick's Story - an extraordinary, more recent documentary of Bill's life, professionally and personally (really one in the same). The filmmakers utilize and interweave multiple filmmaking techniques including animation, still image manipulation, and other experimental modes as well as plenty of traditional interview footage and, of course, live stage footage of Bill. It received endless interest and acclaim on its film festival run, was picked up for a limited release, and is now being distributed on dvd. It can currently be viewed on Netflix Instant Play. I will be posting more about the film and the particularly interesting screening that I had the privilege of attending here in Austin with the filmmakers in attendance as well as an extra treat for the audience. I highly recommend the film to all.

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