With occasional reflection on the perpetual absurdity/intrigue of life and society in general.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Relevant Film Quote: The Mist

Too relevant.

"You scare people badly enough, you can get them to do anything.  They'll turn to whoever promises a solution, or whatever."

David: No, I count 4. She's preachin' to them right now.
By noon, she'll have 4 more.
By tomorrow night, when those things come back, she'll have a congregation, and then we can start worryin' about who she's gonna sacrifice to make it all better...
Dan: He's right.
Amanda: You don't have much faith in humanity, do you?
Dan: None whatsoever.
Amanda: I can't accept that.
People are basically good, decent.
My God, David, we're a civilized society.
David: Sure, as long as the machines are working and you can dial 911.
But you take those things away, you throw people in the dark, you scare the shit out of them.
No more rules, you'll see how primitive they get.
Dan: You scare people badly enough, you can get them to do anything.
They'll turn to whoever promises a solution, or whatever.
Amanda: Ollie, please, back me up here.
Ollie: I wish I could.
As a species, we're fundamentally insane.
Put more than 2 of us in a room, we pick sides
and start dreaming up reasons to kill one another.
Why do you think we invented politics and religion?

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Year in Blog, 2024 - reflections and observations

Well hello there, 2024.  Sorry we're so late to the event, but we are here now, curious and wading in the murky waters.  

Photograph by tod gorman